Mon-Fri 8:00am to 8:00pm | Sat-Sun 8:00am to 4:00pm 450-671-6173 enfr
Tomodensitométrie axiale (Scan)

Demande de rendez-vous rapide

PREPARE FOR THE EXAM (Virtual colonoscopy)

For a high-quality exam, a 24-hour preparation, based primarily on a liquid diet and the use of laxatives, is required to "clean the colon."

Preparation: Please note! There are 3 different preparations

(Click on the appropriate preparation to download the information in PDF format)

When arriving for your appointment, make sure you have:

  • The original request signed by your doctor.
  • Your valid health insurance card and payment method for your exam, if applicable.
  • The images on CD and copies of the reports of previous exams.

Please arrive about 15 to 30 minutes early to receive a free parking coupon, available in front, and check-in.

Products needed for preparation are provided to you free of charge.

Please note – Incomplete preparation: If the patient does not complete the preparation, he must notify the technologist BEFORE proceeding with the exam.

Any heart or kidney disease should be mentioned, as the type of laxative used in the preparation may differ. If you are on any medications, you should take them as usual (with as little water as possible on the morning of the exam). Diabetic patients should check their blood sugar level more frequently during the preparation and the morning of the exam.


Length of examination: About 30 minutes

Digital apparatus used: Siemens Biograph 16-detector CT scanner Viatronix 3D reconstruction software.

Demande de rendez-vous rapide
